is often husband and father and, most of the time, has a job or pro- fession in accord with his sex, which is never questioned legally.
The genetically normal female looks, acts and functions as a woman, wants to be nothing else, usually marries and has children, dresses and makes up to be at- tractive, her sexuality as a woman never being doubted, either by so- ciety or by the law.
Although such a nearly perfect Symphony of the Seven Sexes is the rule and is not too often dis- turbed, it is perhaps upset more often than we think. Unfortunate- ly. our conventions and our laws have no understanding, no tol-
erance for those in whom nature or life have created a dissonance in their sexuality. Such persons are usually condemned to much misery, much frustration.
In rare cases they may succeed, against great odds, in defying tra- dition and orthodoxy (also in the medical profession) and find a de- gree of happiness which our pres- ent-day society generally denies
Our sexuality is one thing that has to be without fault and must function in strict conformity with customs and laws, otherwise there is either "sin," an invention of the church, or "crime," artificially created by inrealistic laws.
EDITOR'S NOTE: Since, as Dr. Benjamin says, the word sex connotes many things to many people, and since his article is such a clear and interesting discussion of the many aspects of the subject, we felt it quite appropriate to reprint it here. Both the author and SEXOLOGY magazine have given us per- mission to do so. Unfortunately there are many parts of this country in which SEXOLOGY is not attainable so we felt that it would be doing a service to our readers to make Dr. Benjamin's article available to them.